Have you ever heard someone teach on twelve steps to spiritual breakthrough?

And how some of those steps can only be effectively applied if you know the true original meaning of the name “Jebusites”? And only if you’re fully aware of the kind of armor that the Hittites wore in battle? And you can’t be truly victorious unless you pay for this online course, read Greek, understand Hebrew, and have a prayer cloth anointed by a famous evangelist?

Does that sound like a recipe for a breakthrough or does it sound nearly impossible?

Sometimes I come across a verse that reminds me of how simple God makes it. Read Deuteronomy 30:11-14 and tell me if you think it’s too complicated:

“For this commandment that I command you today is not too hard for you, neither is it far off. It is not in heaven, that you should say, who will ascend to heaven for us and bring it to us, that we may hear it and do it?

Neither is it beyond the sea, that you should say, who will go over the sea for us and bring it to us that we may hear it and do it? But the word is very near you. It is in your mouth and in your heart, so that you can do it.”

- Deuteronomy 30:11-14 ESV

When I read this passage, I feel like God is addressing a victim mentality. He deals with our mindset right up front, with the tendency to say it’s so hard, the answer is so far away. But in this passage, God tells His people, the word is near you. It’s in your very mouth and in your very heart.

I'm not saying there aren’t complex issues in our lives, but at the end of the day God makes it simple for us to obey. It doesn’t mean that it’s easy; it just means that it’s not overly complicated.

Whatever He commands us to do, He will give us the grace to accomplish.

Over the past year, I ministered in a variety of nations including Cuba, Indonesia, Brazil, and Colombia. I also had the pleasure of taking a trip to Italy with my beautiful wife, Beth, to celebrate our twenty-fifth anniversary.

And while 2023 hasn’t quite wrapped up yet, I’m already looking ahead to ministry opportunities in 2024. If you’re interested in having me minister at your next gathering, please fill out this form on my website.